Adoption Visa



This is a perpetual visa for kids under 18 years old who have been received, or are going to be embraced, from outside Australia.

A new parent, or planned new parent, should be an Australian resident, perpetual occupant, or a qualified New Zealand resident.

A new parent, or planned new parent, goes about as a backer for the youngster and for the most part stops the visa application in the interest of the kid.

The Department of Immigration and Citizenship is mindful just for surveying applications for visas. It can't help with reception courses of action.

Who is this visa for?

Reception visa is for kids outside Australia, who are under 18 years old, and during the time spent being, or who have been, embraced, by an Australian resident, lasting occupant or qualified New Zealand resident.

What does the visa allow me to do?

This visa permits the youngster to:

  • live forever in Australia with their new parent
  • travel to and from Australia for a long time from the date the visa is conceded

Assuming the youngster needs to head out to and from Australia as a lasting inhabitant after the five- year time frame, they should apply for and be conceded a five-year Resident Return (subclass 155) visa or on the other hand, if qualified, apply for Australian citizenship prior to voyaging.


The youngster more likely than not been received, or be currently being embraced, by an Australian resident, lasting inhabitant or a qualified New Zealand resident.

The kid should be outside Australia when their visa application is held up and when the visa is conceded.

The Sponsor (Adoptive parent, or imminent new parent) must:

  • Support the youngster.
  • On the off chance that an Adoption (subclass 102) visa is truly, the support should offer help for the kid, including convenience and monetary help needed to meet the youngster's sensible requirements during their initial two years in Australia.

Instructions to hold up your application

The kid should be outside Australia when their application for the visa is stopped and when the visa is allowed.

Candidates should hold up their application structure, along with all important supporting documentation and the application charge.

On the off chance that a paper-based visa application is held up in specific nations biometrics should be given


Kid and Sponsor Eligibility

Certain conditions should be met by new parents, or planned new parents, applying for this visa for the youngster.

Additional data on receiving a youngster outside Australia is accessible from the division's site.

New parents living in Australia

Your significant Australian state or region focal reception authority (STCAA) should be associated with dealing with the appropriation cycle with the nation where the kid is living.

In case you are thinking about receiving a youngster from outside Australia, you should contact the focal selection expert in your state or region.

Secretly organized selections

Australian STCAAs don't by and large help secretly organized appropriations either from in or outside Australia, including the selection of kids who are family members. They can't help kids or backers to meet the qualification prerequisites for allowing a visa to a received kid.

Significant: If you need to continue with a selection from outside Australia, which has not been masterminded by your STCAA, it is firmly suggested you first look for lawful exhortation both in Australia and in the nation where the kid resides.

New parents living external Australia

Appropriations that are embraced by Australian residents, perpetual occupants or qualified New Zealand residents who generally live in nations other than Australia, and that are orchestrated without the help of an Australian STCAA, are known as exile receptions.

Qualification for sponsorship

The youngster more likely than not been received – or be currently being embraced – by the support. Supporters should be 18 years old or over and be one of the accompanying:

  • an Australian resident
  • the holder of an Australian perpetual visa
  • a qualified New Zealand resident

Note: A support who is a qualified New Zealand resident should likewise meet wellbeing and character necessities.

Qualification for the kid

The kid should be under 18 years old at the time their application is stopped. On the off chance that the kid is under 18 years old at the hour of utilization, however will turn 18 preceding the application is concluded, they won't be qualified for this visa.

Sponsorship can't be supported (besides in exceptionally restricted conditions) where the support or the support's mate or accepted accomplice (on the off chance that they have one) has a conviction or a remarkable charge for an offense against a youngster. The candidate will likewise have to fulfill the prerequisite that there is no convincing motivation to accept that the award of the visa would not be to the greatest advantage of the youngster.

To survey the sponsorship application and the wellbeing of the kid necessity, supports, and their mate or accepted accomplice, should present an AFP National Police Check and unfamiliar police endorsements, contingent upon their conditions. On the off chance that the support, or their accomplice, has spent an aggregate of a year or more in Australia since turning 16 years old, that individual should give an AFP National Police Check. They should likewise give police endorsements from every country in which they have spent an aggregate of a year or more over the most recent a long time since turning 16 years old.

Exemption: Where an Australian STCAA has supported the appropriation and an AFP National Police Check was acquired as a component of the endorsement cycle, a further AFP National Police Check isn't needed with the application.

Note: Sponsors or accomplices who are needed to present a National Police Check should finish the National Police Check application structure which is accessible from the Australian Federal Police site. Supporters or accomplices should utilize Code 33 at Question 1 on the shape and incorporate subtleties of all names they have been known by. On the off chance that an AFP Certificate is given dependent on inaccurate data, the division may demand another declaration. Fingerprints are not required for National Police Checks.

Dependence on government backed retirement

In the event that the youngster, or their support, is probably going to get to Australia's government managed retirement framework, an Assurance of Support from an Australian resident, or Australian perpetual inhabitant, might be required. Assuming this is the case, the division will educate how an Assurance with respect to Support is acquired.


The kid should consent to every Australian law and with any conditions forced on their visa.

Model: The youngster should not wed or go into an accepted relationship prior to entering Australia.

Support Commitments

As the support, the assenting or forthcoming new parent should sign a sponsorship undertaking.

On marking this endeavor, the support has the accompanying commitments, and must:

be liable for all monetary commitments to the Australian Government that the youngster may cause while they are in Australia

guarantee that sufficient convenience and monetary help is accessible as needed to meet the kid's sensible living requirements. This help would cover the youngster's initial two years in Australia

give data and guidance to help the kid settle.

The support should prompt the division recorded as a hard copy if their conditions change in a manner that may influence their qualification to support the youngster or the kid's qualification for this selection visa